Montrel Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice and Personal Data Protection

Committed to treating personal data securely, we ensure the privacy of information related to the organization, employees, clients, suppliers, and other confidential data, certifying appropriate use and disclosure of personal data. We also foster a culture that values privacy through awareness.

We are working to earn your trust every day, and for this reason, we have developed and implemented a Privacy Notice and Data Protection, following current legislation and best practices adopted worldwide.

The Privacy Notice applies to all users of our services.

In this document, we describe the personal data we collect, their purposes, the methods of collection, storage, sharing cases, retention, and security. We also inform you about the rights you have as a personal data subject and the means to request their fulfillment if needed.

You are free to refuse our request for personal information, understanding that we may not be able to provide some of the desired services.

The continued use of our site will be considered acceptance of our practices regarding privacy and personal information.

To simplify the reading of this document, here are some important definitions:

  • Subject: You, a natural person;

    Represented in this document only by “SUBJECT”
  • Personal Data: Any information related or related to you;
    Represented in this document only by “PERSONAL DATA”

  • Sensitive Data: Health, biometric, or genetic data, race and ethnicity, religious, philosophical, or political beliefs, data on union membership, and sexual life;
    Represented in this document only by “SENSITIVE DATA”

  • Treatment: Every form of use and processing of personal data;
    Represented in this document only by “TREATMENT”

  • Controller: MONTREL CONTROLES ELETRÔNICOS LTDA STREET: Maria Caporali, 45. Loteamento Parque Real - ZIP CODE:13845-021 Mogi Guaçu/SP, registered with CNPJ nº: 56.519.887/0001-83.
    Represented in this document only by “CONTROLLER”

Types of Personal Information Collected

We collect only strictly necessary data to ensure the proper execution of the services and products offered by Montrel. The information may include:

  • 1. Personal information (name, official identification documents, CPF);
  • 2. Contact information (address, email, phone, mobile, etc.);
  • 3. Information necessary for the execution of contracted services, including financial data.

How We Collect This Information

  • 1. On the Montrel website: In the “Contact” link, we collect the following PERSONAL DATA: name, phone, and email;

  • 2. Connection through third-party services: through integrations with applications on our site (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube), we may collect the PERSONAL DATA that you use on these services, such as name and email. In this case, we respect your privacy settings and request authorization for the collection of such PERSONAL DATA.

    Note that these links are provided for your convenience only. We are not responsible for their content and operations, and their use is entirely the user's responsibility, even if accessed through a hyperlink on our site.

For What Purposes Are This Information Collected?

All information collected about you is processed to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data, used exclusively for the purposes described here.

The processing of PERSONAL DATA for purposes not provided in this document will only occur after prior communication to the user, maintaining the rights of the data subjects.

The information is collected to ensure the proper execution of services and products offered by the CONTROLLER, with the following objectives:

  • 1. Provide efficient and quality products;

  • 2. Offer adequate technical assistance for our products;

  • 3. Establish the best communication and relationship with customers;

  • 4. Evaluate and improve the products and institutional purposes of Montrel;

  • 5. Disclose information about products, services, and other topics of interest to you.

Legal Basis for Processing

The CONTROLLER carries out the processing of PERSONAL DATA linking it to the Legal Bases established by the LGPD, always in an appropriate and compatible manner with the purpose of the processing.

We may process your PERSONAL DATA based on the contractual relationship with you and/or the company contracting our products and services; your consent; for credit protection; due to the regular exercise of the right in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings; in our legitimate interest or that of third parties, provided that the legal requirements are met; or when necessary to fulfill a legal obligation.

Sharing of Information

Montrel does not share your personal data with third parties or unauthorized individuals.

Your information may be shared in the following cases:

  • 1. By legal obligation, which may include requests or orders from law enforcement, public authorities (INSS, Federal Revenue, Municipalities, etc.), the Public Prosecutor's Office, regulatory bodies, judicial or administrative authorities, and unions;

  • 2. With clients;

  • 3. Suppliers, especially electronic point service providers, audits, marketing, transportation, and occupational medicine;

  • 4. For Contract Execution;

  • 5. Financial institutions;

  • 6. Law and Accounting firms;

  • 7. Benefits management companies;

  • 8. Insurance brokers.

International Transfer of Personal Data

Montrel may transfer some of your personal data to service providers located abroad, including cloud service providers.

We may use other legal bases for international transfer as they become available for use, always ensuring that it is done in accordance with legal mechanisms and infra-legal rules.

Protection and Storage

Montrel implements the necessary physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect your personal data against any incidents, such as misuse, alteration, destruction, or damage.

All your data is confidential, and only authorized individuals will have access to them, so any use will be in accordance with this notice.

We make every effort to ensure that the level of security is appropriate with respect to the risks of processing personal data. However, external factors may compromise the security of your personal data, such as hardware failures and unauthorized third-party use of your information.

Retention Period

Montrel commits to storing your personal data only for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, as provided in Article 15, paragraph I of Law 13,709/18.

Your personal data will be securely deleted from our servers when you request it, through a free and facilitated procedure, or when they are no longer needed, except for compliance with legal obligations or the need to preserve Montrel's rights, as authorized by Article 16 of the LGPD.

Personal data may be stored on Montrel's own server or on a third-party server contracted for this purpose, located in Brazil or abroad, and may also be stored using cloud computing technology, always respecting market security levels and best practices.

What Are Your Rights?

It is important that you know your rights regarding the use of your personal data. Therefore, we have listed all your rights as provided by law:

  • 1. Confirmation of treatment and access to data;

  • 2. Correction;

  • 3. Anonymization;

  • 4. Blocking or elimination of excessive data or data processed in non-compliance;

  • 5. Portability;

  • 6. Information;

  • 7. Revocation of consent;

  • 8. Review of automated decisions.

You can request assistance with these rights through the email

For more information, questions, or if you want to share any other considerations related to the topic, please contact our Personal Data Protection Officer, Tamires Oliveira, via email: or phone: (19) 3861-3070.

Changes to This Privacy Notice

We invite you to periodically check this section, as this Privacy Notice may be revised due to changes in Montrel's processes, as well as due to regulatory updates.

Any updates will become effective on the date of publication.

Personal data may be stored on Montrel's own server or on a third-party server contracted for this purpose, located in Brazil or abroad, and may also be stored using cloud computing technology, always respecting market security levels and best practices.

Questions about this Privacy Notice can be addressed via email: