The ADR 2000, the new version of the ADR M2000, offers a series of improvements and valuable features, both in its metrology, now with an accuracy class of 0.2% for active energy, and in new and important functionalities.
Accuracy Test Enhancement:
Now it is possible to manually or automatically capture pulses and
visualize electrical quantities during the test (voltage, current, and
Cargo Function Enhancement:
Possibility to select the mode (constant or cyclic) and the
power level (minimum or maximum), optimizing the use of the ADR 2000 as a
artificial load for equipment that does not have its own load, such as the ADR 4000 and 5000.
Impactful New Features
1.Connection Test:
Detects poor contact in the electrical network, generating a current of
up to 25 A. Provides vital information about the voltage variation in relation to the supplied
and nominal, helping distribution companies improve DEC/FEC and QEE indices,
as well as reducing rework and complaints.
2.Total Harmonic Distortion Measurement of Voltage (THD V):
Allows the technician to assess the
quality of supply in the Consumer Unit, showing harmonic distortion
up to the 32nd harmonic in real-time.
3.Demand Test:
Verifies the customer's instantaneous demand without disconnecting the
power supply, facilitating load surveys.
These improvements and features add value to the ADR 2000, making it an essential tool
for field technicians and energy distribution companies, providing efficiency,
detailed information, and improvements in electrical supply quality.